Contemporary Microscale Separation Technology

Chao Yan

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June 2013
342 pp.

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ISBN: 978-0-9828874-2-4


About the Author

Chao Yan, Ph.D. is a Professor at the School of Pharmacy of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He is also Chairman and CSO of Unimicro Technologies, Inc., Pleasanton, CA, USA, which developed the first commercial system (TriSep for pCEC, HPLC, and CE.

Dr. Yan received his Ph.D. degree in 1991 from Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He then worked in Dr. Erni's Department of Analytical R&D at Sandoz Pharma Ltd, Switzerland, and Dr. Zare's group at Stanford University. He was appointed to a full professorship in 2000 at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences by the Chinese government's "Hundred Scholars Initiative."

Dr. Yan's research focuses on electrokinetic separation techniques, especially CEC, on which he has published more than 190 articles. He also holds more than 40 patents on instrument and column design and has won numerous awards, including the Shanghai Innovation Award for Scientific Instruments. Dr. Yan is Executive Director of the Chinese Chromatography Society, Associate Editor in Chief of the Chinese Journal of Chromatography, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Analysis Society, and Associate Director of CaSSS (USA).

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